
Input parameters can appear in any order, file flags affect only the next
file/flag/handle/section/object specified on the command line
-t, --tee
        Copy INPUT to STDOUT
-s, --stderrtee
        Copy INPUT to STDERR
-n handle-num, --handle handle-num
        Copy INPUT to handle: handle-num
-e error-file, --error-file error-file
        Send errors to file: error-file
-a append-file, --append-file append-file
        Append INPUT to file: append-file
-i input-file, --input-file input-file
        Read INPUT from file: input-file
-N handle-num, --input-handle handle-num
        Read INPUT from handle: handle-num
-D ntapi-file, --device-input ntapi-file
        Read INPUT from native api/kernel file: ntapi-file
-d ntapi-file, --device-output ntapi-file
        Copy INPUT to native api/kernel file: ntapi-file
-V, -VV, -VVV, -VVVV
        Increasing verbosity, by default only parameter error info
-b buffer-length, --buffer-length buffer-length
        Set the IO buffer size (default is 64k, unless console handle IO
        is taking place, in which case it is 256)
-w, --wait
        Wait for all pipes to be connected to before starting transfer
-B, --block-read
        Read an entire buffer before writing
        Likely only affects pipes or other communication handles
-m max-bytes, --maximum max-bytes
        Read a maximum of max-bytes from INPUT
-c conversion-function, --convert conversion-function
        Converts the buffer using one of the following functions:
        All output commands after this point will be processed after the
        conversion, those before will be unaffected.
        l       ANSI To Lower Case
        L       Unicode To Lower Case
        u       ANSI To Upper Case
        U       Unicode To Upper Case
        c       Clean non-ASCII to space
        c:l     Clean non-ASCII to letter l
        cnum    Clean non-ASCII to ASCII char num
        c-      Delete non-ASCII
        O       ANSI to OEM
        A       OEM to ANSI
        w       ANSI to Unicode
        W       ANSI to Unicode, with BOM
        a       Unicode to ANSI
        s[num]  Swap order of every num bytes, default 2, where num is a power
                of two
        hb[+][-]Binary to Hex by byte [with text dump] [without address dump]
        hw[+][-]Binary to Hex by word [with text dump] [without address dump]
        hd[+][-]Binary to Hex by dword [with text dump] [without address dump]
        hr[+]   Binary to Hex by byte raw dump [with spaces]
-h, -?, --help
        Display this help
-v, --version
        Display version info
        Display program credits
-P, --progress
        Displays a progress bar on the active console screen buffer (not STDOUT
        or STDERR)
-R, --report
        Print a status report to the error handle (default STDERR, set with -e)
        This is overriden by the progress-bar flag (-P).
-O [queue length], --overlapped [queue length]
        Reads from the input file (not file mapping) using asynchronous
        overlapped IO.
        This will probably improve the overall read/process speed
        This is incompatible with the block-read flag (-B), and file mapping
        inputs (-F)
        'Queue length' defaults to 16, and must be between 1 and 64.
-Q, --overlapped-output
        Outputs to the last output handle in the chain using asynchronous
        overlapped IO.
        This is incompatible with file mapping outputs
        This activates overlapped read IO (-O above)
-X, --always-read
        Read input even if no output specified

Flags which affect the next file on the command line
  -W, --file-share-write
        Open with FILE_SHARE_WRITE
  -F, --file-mapping
        Treat as a named file mapping object (cannot be a pipe)
        For best performance: ensure that the buffer size and the skip offset
        are a multiple of the page size, usually 4k.
  -p, --persistent
        Continue writing to next handle, even if write errors occur
        Read unmapable/unreadable sections as blank
  -S skip-bytes, --skip skip-bytes
        Skip the first skip-bytes bytes of the file, (not pipe)
Flags which affect the next file on the command line (pipe only)
  -z    Force connection to existing pipes rather than create a new pipe
  -Z    Force creation of new pipes rather than connection to existing pipe

Pipe names must be in the format: \\.\pipe\[[path\]name]
INPUT defaults to STDIN
/ may be used instead of -
Number may be prefixed with 0x for hexadecimal, and postfixed with the following
 SI prefixes: k,M,G,T,P,E
These stand for increasing powers of 2^10 (1024) and can be used to specify kilo
bytes, megabytes, etc.
One letter arguments may be clumped, however only the last argument in the clump
 may have an argument.
eg. -V -V -t -s -b64k <--> -VVtsb64k

Example: npipe -tsVVVVwm64k -FpD \Device\PhysicalMemory out -chr -a outputfile -
Z \\.\pipe\pipe1
Outputs to STDOUT,STDERR. Very verbosely. Waits for all pipes. Read max 64kB (65
536 bytes). Opens \Device\PhysicalMemory as a ntapi file mapping object and pers
istently reads from it. Outputs to file: 'out'. Converts output to a raw hexdump
, affects following two output commands. Appends to file: 'outputfile'. Always c
reates, and outputs on pipe: 'pipe1'.

E:\temp>npipe -c hr+ -i writer.exe outputs

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